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Adding Bonus Management to your Employee Dashboard

Mark Peeters, 14 February 2018

Most companies use a company specific Bonus Plan to motivate their workforce to work on the targets set by the company. The Cloud for Customer Reporting functionality enables you to create reports to track all CRM related targets. Still, in most implementations of Cloud for Customer we find a separate Bonus Management track in Excel. These bonus components tend to be on objects that are not in Cloud for Customer, like the number of followed product trainings or the number of points scored on personal development. By adding this data to Cloud for Customer you can inform your workforce on a day to day basis on their progress, for instance with this KPI.

The trick is how to get the Excel Bonus information into Cloud for Customer. We can do this by creating a Cloud Data Source. In this Data Source we need at least the Employee ID, the bonus type, a target value and an actual value. Now you upload your Bonus data directly into Cloud for Customer.

Now that we have the data in the system we can start creating reports, dashboards and KPIs. This has been part of several blogs already so this should be common knowledge by now. 🙂 The KPI on the home screen of the employee can be linked to the bonus dashboard for more insight.

Tips & Tricks.
Preventing that employees change existing reports, or download the data exposed in a report, can now be done by “Configure Actions” in the Business Analytics WorkCentre. Here you hide all actions, like download and send by default. You can then unhide them for the Business Roles that are allowed to execute the action.

This functionality is activated by the following scoping question.

Mark Peeters

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