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SAP Sales Cloud integration with MS Teams

Marius van Ravenstein, 31 August 2022

Online meetings are here to stay, and one of the main platforms to support online meetings is Microsoft Teams. SAP and Microsoft have a mutual goal of simplifying business collaboration and the result of this is an out-of-the-box integration between SAP Sales Cloud and Microsoft Teams. And in this case out-of-the-box is actually what it is, with a few clicks and settings you have this integration up and running. In this blog I will show you how to set it up.


Only a few settings are required to get the MS Teams integration available. The integration has to be included in your scope in SAP Sales Cloud:

pic1 scoping

The first scoping question should be marked, the other 3 are optional. With scope question 2 and 3 you can configure that a newly created appointment and visit should be a “Team” appointment/visit, when you don’t mark these questions you should manually select the option when creating an appointment/visit. Scoping question number 4 allows for the display of the appointment/visit Sales Cloud screen inside the MS Teams environment.

Next step is to enable the MS Teams integration via Administrator > Microsoft Teams. Important here is that this enablement is performed by your MS Teams administrator, someone that has the authorisation to provide the required permissions. Typically a normal user of MS Teams is not allowed to provide the permissions.

pic2 enable

When you click the enable link, you need to login with your MS Office admin account and the confirmation popup below is displayed.

pic3 enable2

When approving the permission a success message will be displayed. Now there are only a few things left to do. First, some company settings can be made, those are relevant for the integration of MS Teams with the Opportunity in Sales Cloud:

pic4 company settings

And last but not least, via screen adaptation in SAP Sales Cloud, the checkbox to mark an appointment or visit as a “MS Teams” variant should be made available.

MS Teams and Visits

As an employee working in SAP Sales Cloud you can now create a visit and mark the checkbox “Collaboration”. This creates the visit, adds the MS Teams link in it and makes it available in your MS Teams agenda. Adding “Attendees” is mandatory in case of a Teams visit.

pic5 visit creation

When it’s time to start the meeting, you can do this directly from SAP Sales Cloud, e.g. via the Homepage tile “My upcoming activities” or from the Visit itself by clicking “Launch Team Meeting”. The meeting in MS Teams is started just like you would normally start it from MS Teams directly.

Part of the integration is a side pane in the MS Teams meeting window which shows the main visit information that is registered in SAP Sales Cloud. Updating the visit data via this side pane is available as well, visit status can be updated (e.g. set it to in process and to completed once the meeting is done) and also visit notes can be captured.

pic11 teams visit

When you view the visit in SAP Sales Cloud afterwards, the status update and note registration are immediately available.

pic12 teams visit in c4c

MS Teams and Opportunities

Integration from the SAP Sales Cloud Opportunity is available as well via the new feature “Deal Rooms”. When you’re working on an opportunity with your Account Team, on top of all the information and activities registered in the opportunity in SAP Sales Cloud, you can create a “Deal Room” in MS Teams that provides all of the MS Teams features (e.g. chat, files etc) with a link to this specific SAP Sales Cloud Opportunity.

pic6 create deal room1

When clicking the New button, the quick create screen is displayed in which you can enter the details of the Deal Room. You can determine if this is a Private or Public team and what the name of the main channel should be. Also there’s an option to automatically add the account team employees from the Opportunity and you have the option to invite external employees.

pic7 create deal room2

You see the deal room has been created:

pic8 create deal room3

By clicking the name of the Deal Room, the created Team/Channel is opened in MS Teams. An additional tab “Deal Q4” has been made available in which the Opportunity is embedded together with other tabs like chat, files, wiki etc. Working directly in the Opportunity (e.g. updating fields, creating activities etc) is possible as well, so no need to login separately in SAP Sales Cloud.

pic8 team opportunity

The deal room functionality is specifically available for the Opportunity. A more generic option is available from basically every object in SAP Sales Cloud, this is the “Share Workspace” option available as an action button on the right top.

pic9 workspace

Clicking the option shows a 4-step wizard in which a team and channel can be created and members are linked. The result will be the same as that of the Opportunity, when you open MS Teams you can display the created Team/Channel and the SAP Sales Cloud object is embedded as a new tab.

pic10 wizzard

And that’s it..

With a few simple configurations the integration between SAP Sales Cloud and MS Teams is available for employees to benefit from. Especially nowadays when collaboration software like MS Teams is a frequently used solution during a working day, embedding SAP Sales Cloud features into it makes work more efficient.


Marius van Ravenstein

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